Using Yoga For Workout Recovery and Relaxation

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 Yoga is an ancient discipline that has survived due to its continuing relevance and numerous benefits. It is now recognized as a form of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine). It comprises a variety of practices aimed at restoring the harmony between the mind and body.To derive maximum benefit from your fitness routine, it is best to work out in fresh air using outdoor gym equipment. Yoga can effectively complement this kind of hardcore strength-training routine.

Yoga is a fantastic way to help with recovery from intense workouts. It also aids in relaxing the body and mind. Read on to find out how incorporating yoga into your routine can benefit your fitness and well-being.

Gentle stretching

Taking the time to slowly stretch tight muscles prevents soreness and keeps your body flexible. Stretching boosts the flow of blood and helps avoid the build-up of lactic acid. To aid recovery stretches need to be gentle. Vigorous stretching can inflict further damage. Yoga poses involve gentle stretching. Low-impact yoga moves can soothe aching joints and relieve tension.

Deep breathing

Conscious breathing slows the heart rate and reduces stress levels. Deep breathing is a great coping mechanism as it can help you relax naturally. Deep breathing can also improve sleep quality (another factor that affects recovery), increase your resilience, and improve your health.

There are right and wrong ways of breathing. ‘Wrong’ breathing triggers your fight or flight response and eventually affects your physical state. ‘Correct’ breathing will boost your immune system, reduce the build-up of lactic acid and induce calmness. The breathwork of yoga oxygenates the body to promote healing and relaxation. Equip yourself with yoga breathing techniques to accelerate recovery and help you relax.


Setting aside mindfulness time allows both the body and mind to unwind completely. Simple yoga meditation postures keep you present to feel the benefits of your practice. Stress can affect immune response and delay recovery. Cortisol (the stress hormone) can even break down muscle tissue. Meditation will help lower the levels of cortisol and thereby allow the body to heal faster. Meditation is a significant part of yoga. You can train your mind for a higher level of awareness and concentration using the meditative practices of yoga.

Routine recovery

Making yoga a regular part of post-workout care helps keep the body feeling rejuvenated. The longer-term effects facilitate faster recovery for future workouts as well. Some yoga poses help develop muscle strength, which can power your workout routine and lower the risk of overuse and injuries. Incorporate consistent yoga practice alongside your regular workouts in your fitness routine for maximum benefits.

Proper nutrition

A yogic diet can help you make the most out of the synergistic relationship between yoga and Ayurveda. Yoga promotes mindful eating. It will make you more attuned to your body and help you make better food choices. Fueling your body with the right foods after workouts is essential for muscle recovery and growth. Foods high in protein, complex carbohydrates, and nutrients will replenish what was lost during exercise. You can use a macro calculator to understand how to structure your calorie intake for optimising recovery.

Wrapping Up

Incorporating yoga's holistic approach to wellness provides both physical and mental recovery advantages. Taking the time for gentle poses and conscious breathing after exercise replenishes what was lost and sets you up for future fitness success.


 This article was written by Erin Jo-Chan from BarBend. Visit their website here.


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