Our Journey Towards a Greener Future

At Rivers, we’re committed to supporting your fitness goals and also making a positive impact on the environment while doing so. We believe that small, thoughtful changes can add up to significant results. That’s why we’re continuously working to integrate sustainable practices into everything we do. Here’s how we’re making a difference.

Energy Efficiency: Smarter and Greener

We’re making strides to reduce our energy consumption and improve efficiency across our centers:

  • Lighting Upgrades: We’ve installed motion-sensor lighting throughout our facilities. It’s a simple change, but it helps to make sure that lights are only on when needed, reducing unnecessary energy use.

  • Boiler Replacements: By 2025, we’ll be replacing the old, inefficient boilers at our Pershore Leisure Centre with more energy-efficient models, aiming for an 11% cost saving. Similarly, our Droitwich Spa Leisure Centre is scheduled for a major refurbishment, including new boilers that will help us cut down on energy use.

  • Embracing Renewable Energy: We’re investing in a £3 million decarbonisation plan that will see solar panels and air-source heat pumps installed at our Evesham and Pershore locations. This is a big step towards reducing our reliance on traditional energy sources.

Reducing Waste: Every Bit Counts

Waste management is a key focus for us as we strive to minimise our environmental footprint:

  • Recycling Expansion: We’ve broadened our recycling efforts to include things like batteries, coffee grounds, ink cartridges, and waste paper rolls. Our goal is to keep pushing these initiatives forward, so we’re sending less to landfill every year.

Sustainable Travel and Local Sourcing

We’re also focusing on how we move and source:

  • Encouraging Green Commutes: We’re encouraging our team to walk, cycle, or car-share whenever possible. It’s a simple way to reduce emissions, and we’re happy to support it.

  • Supporting Local Suppliers: Whenever we can, we opt for local suppliers. It’s better for the environment and helps us support businesses within our community.

Empowering Our Team: Knowledge is Key

We believe that everyone can play a part in our sustainability journey:

  • Energy Awareness: We’re encouraging our staff to be mindful of energy use, whether it’s switching off lights or managing heating efficiently. Little changes can lead to big savings, both for the environment and our energy bills.

Maintaining High Standards

We’re committed to maintaining high environmental standards throughout our operations:

  • Building and Comfort Standards: We follow guidelines set by leading organisations like PWTAG (Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group), CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers), and BRE (Building Research Establishment) to make sure that our facilities are both comfortable and environmentally responsible. This includes setting specific temperature and ventilation standards to optimise energy use, while keeping our members comfortable.

Looking Ahead: Our Green Goals

We’re proud of the progress we’ve made, but we know there’s more to do. Our roadmap includes further investments in renewable energy, more efficient facilities, and ongoing efforts to reduce waste. We’re also excited to work with partners like Wychavon District Council, UK Active, CLUK, and Sport England to explore and adopt the latest in environmental technologies.

We’re not just talking about sustainability - we’re living it. And we’re committed to making meaningful changes that benefit both our community, and the planet.

We’re excited about the journey ahead, and look forward to continuing to share our progress with you.




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