Amy Patrick | Customer Testimonial

We love to have customer feedback to better improve our services & hear how we are doing… We asked Amy a few questions to find out more about her experience with Rivers

What has your experience been with Rivers so far?

Fantastic. A lot of people think of gyms as intimidating places but Rivers is the opposite. It is a place to go where the instructors encourage you to try new things, and the support is fantastic which in turn has increased by confidence and I have seen improvements In myself I would never of done without joining Rivers.  

What are your 3 biggest achievements?

In April this year I ran my first ever half marathon, joined some of the classes which I would never of had the confidence to do a while back and seen my overall fitness improve. My core and upper body strength has also improved and can now do a full sit up and press up. 

What was your life like when you started? How has it changed?

Think of the changes you’ve made with your fitness, health, nutrition, etc., and what you can do now that you weren’t able to do previously. I have been using Rivers for many years however last year I met Lesa in the gym. She encouraged me to join her class and give it a go. Prior to joining her class I would do the same things in the gym each time and was stuck in a rut. She has taught me new ways of training whilst being supportive all the way, giving me little tips of things to incorporate in to my workouts but more than anything improving my confidence whilst exercising and making it fun and enjoyable to do. 

Why did you decide to start with Thursday class?

After trying out Lesa’s class for the first time I came out with a real buzz, I would never come out of the gym prior to that feeling that way. The variety, support from one another and the enjoyment / social side has meant I have never looked back and only miss a class now if I really have to for work. 

What are the biggest obstacles or fears that you had to overcome?

Confidence 100%. Sometimes you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and I am so glad. No one is watching you thinking you are the slowest or not the fittest but seeing everyone work together encourages you even more.  

What is the biggest change you have made?

For me now exercise is a daily thing and mixing it up everyday whether that be a gym workout, a run or a class. Don’t get stuck in a rut of doing the same thing.  

What have you enjoyed most along the way?

Seeing my overall fitness levels improve and doing things I would never have thought a couple of years back I would of done like running a half marathon. One of the biggest things for me though is the new friends I have made from class and the buzz we all get from one another. 

What advice would you give to someone just starting their own fitness journey at Rivers?

Try new things. Everyone is there to support and encourage each other.  

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