Winter Swims At Droitwich Lido

We are excited to announce the NEW Winter Swimming Sessions at Droitwich Spa Lido. These one hour sessions are ideal for all you wild swimmers out there.

Cold water swimming has some incredible benefits to your physical & mental health. A part from the obvious increased cardiovascular fitness & muscle strength, one of the benefits to these swims is amazing skin… We know, how does swimming help your skin? Salt water is full with magnesium, calcium and potassium which is all great for the skin. The water is also a mild antiseptic and may encourage damaged skin to heal.

By regularly cold water swimming, you can increase your tolerance to stress. The cold water creates a stress reaction in the body, which by regularly doing, can increase your tolerance to all types of stress. Other benefits include a self-esteem boost & post swim high!

Available Dates & Times:

  • Saturday 4th December: 8am & 10am

  • Sunday 5th December: 8am & 10am

  • Saturday 11th December: 8am & 10am

  • Sunday 12th December: 8am & 10am

  • Saturday 18th December: 8am & 10am

  • Sunday 19th December: 8am & 10am

  • Monday 20th December: 8am & 10am

  • Tuesday 21st December: 8am & 10am

  • Wednesday 22nd December: 8am & 10am

  • Thursday 23rd December: 8am

We require you to read our Winter Swimming Entrance Policy & will ask all swimmers to sign a disclaimer on arrival of the pool stating they understand the entrance policies & the dangers/risks that may incur.

The pool is not heated. Please be aware the water temperature will be cold. Little Al’s Kitchen At Droitwich Lido will be open during these swim times for hot refreshments.

Please book on our online booking system, click the link below. You will be able to book up to 8 days in advance.

Our Entry Policy:

  • Speak To Your GP – We advise before swimming if you have any medical issues or concerns to speak to your GP.

  • Don’t Ignore Any Signs Of Illness – If you’re not feeling 100%, please don’t come to the pool. We are doing everything we can to avoid spread of germs & it is not safe to cold water swim when ill.

  • Wear A Cap & Bring Warm Clothing – A cap will really help to keep you warm, however we would also recommend wearing a wetsuits if you have one. Warm clothing for after is a must to allow your body to return to its original temperature.

  • Make Us Aware It’s Your First Time – Tell a lifeguard if this is your first time swimming in open winter water. Please don’t stay in there for too long, we would recommend you start with a short swim session & build up from there.

  • Don’t Jump Straight Into The Pool – The temperature of the water can be a shock to the body, please slowly lower yourself into the pool to allow your body to acclimatise

  • Regulate Your Breathing – Breathing when in cold water can be more difficult. Even our regular early morning lido users will feel the difference. So take a few moments to get your breath back, exhale and then push off from the side.

  • Stay Vigilant & Watch Out For Other Swimmers – If you see anyone you’re worried about, please tell the lifeguards, whether the person is in the water or out.

  • Speak To The Lifeguards – We are there to help if you feel cold, unwell or dizzy at any time, tell us! There is no shame in letting a lifeguard or other club member know you might need help.

  • Get Dry & Dressed Quickly – As soon as you exit the pool, we recommend wrapping a towel around yourself & getting dressed as soon as possible. Wear sandals or stand on a mat while you get changed to avoid direct floor contact.

  • Drink Something Warm – Getting yourself a hot drink is the best way to warm yourself up. Little Al’s Kitchen At Droitwich Lido will be open for hot drinks/food.

  • Don’t go home until you’ve warmed up – Make sure you’ve warmed up before driving or riding a bike home. We want to make sure you are safe before heading home. Our staff & the cafe staff will be available if you require any assistance.


  • I take full responsibility for myself & my actions whilst at Droitwich Spa Lido.

  • I have read all the entry policy & understand all the procedures I must abide by. I have also take a look at the Outdoor Swimming Societies Website to understand that there are many dangers of cold water swimming including risk of shock, incapacitation, hypothermia & it increases the risks of a heart attack & asthma/lung related attacks.

  • I understand that at any point during my swim, if a lifeguard tells me I look unwell enough to swim, I must exit the pool immediately.

  • I understand that once booked I don’t have the right to make a cancellation as due to the limited spaces available my booking would have stopped someone else from getting in.

  • I understand you must be over the age of 16 to swim in the cold water sessions in the lido.

  • I understand these sessions are for swimming widths & that I must keep 1m social distance when swimming close to another person.


Charity Vinyasa Yoga


Bex Condie | Gifted & Talented