Evesham Bowling Club Needs Support To Level The Green!

The last two years have been momentous for everyone and equally so for Evesham Bowling Club, who despite the difficulties were able to complete the building of their lovely new Bowls Pavilion, which is proving a real asset to the club.

Their vision for the future is to upgrade the Bowling Green by having all the edges rebuilt. At the moment, through wear and tear, and the effects of flooding, the edges have started to slope away into the ditch, making it difficult to keep the bowls on the Green. This is a specialist job and has been quoted to cost £20,000.

Evesham Bowling Club have set up a Crowdfunding page with Sport England support to raise £12,000… If the Crowdfunding page raises £6,000, Sport England have promised to match this amount. This would enable two sides to be repaired ready for the opening of the Outdoor Bowling season.

Please take a look at the link below and if you feel you would be able to help, the bowling club would be extremely grateful.


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